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Fundraising with Carstairs Skating Club

Like most non profit organizations, CSC relies on fundraising to help cover costs and to maintain affordable fees for families.  Fundraising is mandatory for all families registered with CSC.  Typically, we offer Hutterite Chickens as our Fall fundraiser and a Winter Raffle for our Winter fundraisers.  Families do have the option to opt out of our fundraisers by paying a $150 opt out fee.  

To give families the opportunity to help cover their skating fees.  Carstairs Skating Club organizes an individual fundraiser.  Profit from these sales go directly towards the skaters fees.  This is an optional fundraiser, but one that is loved by families.  This fundraiser will run in February and March.  

Volunteering for Carstairs Skating Club

Like fundraising, we also require volunteers from time to time.  Carstairs Skating Club asks that each family donate 2-5 hours of their time.  We have several opportunities for volunteering; Winterfest, IceFest, Year End Carnival always require many volunteers.  There is an opt out option of $150, otherwise volunteering is mandatory for families.  

2024/25 Hutterite Chicken Fundraiser

We are pleased to be able to offer farm fresh Hutterite chickens again this year.  This is one of our most popular fundraisers with lots of community interest.  Fundraisers like this, allow us to keep our skating fees as low as possible.  

This is a mandatory fundraiser, however if you choose not to take part, you have the option to pay out the $150 fundraising requirement through our website:

Each chicken is approximately 7-8lbs. Chickens can be sold individually for $25/chicken or by the bag (consists of 5 chickens) for $120.  We ask that each family try to sell 3 bags or 15 individual chickens.  Eggs are also available, but this is not a requirement.  They come in flats of 30 for the reasonable price of $12.  

Orders sheets and funds need to be returned no later than November 27th. Please find the order form attached below.

Cash, cheque, or email transferred are accepted.  We ask for one cheque to the skating club for the total dollar amount.  Likewise, email transfers are accepted, however each email transfer should be paid to the skating family/seller and then the skating family/seller will send one email transfer for the total dollar amount to  Please put the family's name in the comments of the email transfer.

Delivery and pick up will be either December 6 or 9th at the Carstairs Arena from 4pm - 7pm.  We will notify you of which date, the week of delivery.  Skating families are responsible for picking up their orders and delivering them to their customers.  We do not have the means to keep the chickens cold, so please ensure you are available for pickup.  

2023/24 Winter Raffle

Here we go again!  The fast selling winter raffle is well on its way!  

This year families are required to sell two booklets or twenty tickets at the price of $10 each.  Funds and tickets stubs are due back on March 1st.  The draw will again be held at the IceFest Synchronized Skating Invitational.  First prize is a whooping $2000 and second prize is $600; still a great chunk of change!

Families who choose not to participate are welcome to opt out buy paying an additional $150 fee through uplifter.  

Hutterite Chicken and Egg Fundraiser

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